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Death Records

Death Records on Obits in Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia

Poulson's American Daily Advertise Philadelphia February 18, 1801


Capt. Camuel Harvey, age 70 – 3/4 column inch

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia February 26, 1801

ELIZABETH FERGUSON OBITUARY – Died at 62, daughter of Dr. Thoams Graeme.

Poulson's American Daily Advertise Philadelphia March 10, 1801


HANNAH SANSON – Wife of Samuel Sanson, age 63.


Samuel Baker and Sarah Hannis

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia May 1, 1801


DANIEL HUBBELL, 76, of Bridgeport, MA, after an illness of half an hour. His widow, SARAH HUBBELL, 72, died 7 days later of an illness of one hour. HANNAH LYMAN, 72, of NORTHAMPTON, NH, died on April 22, 1801.


WILLIAM PAYNE of FAQUIER County to MRS. MARTIN LOVE, of HARTWOOD, Stafford County. GEORGE W. GIBBONS to ELIZABETH GLADDEN, at East Followfield, PA Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia January 6, 1818


Midshipman ABBOT, native of Massachusetts. Young officer died on board the USS Constellation, at sea.
Capt. ALEXANDER BROWNLOW, of the 8th regt. US Infantry.
SYLVESTER COOK, age 8, son of GEORGE COOK, drowned in the mill pond, fell through a hole in the ice.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia January 17, 1818


SELAH PARKER, age 40, of BERLIN, CT, sudden death while at work threshing grain with one of his neighbors.
MARY WOODWARD, age 95, before her 2nd marriage was widow of celebrated astronomer, mathematician and practical agriculturalist, Dr. Nathaniel Ames, we known for his annual Calendars. Mother of celebrated Statesman, FISHER AMES.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia January 27, 1818

DR. CASPAR WISTAR INTERMENT - Notice of funeral from previous day.

DIED - James Potts and Reuben Arnold of U.S. Frigate Constellation with naval honors.

DIED - Frederick Woelpper, 30, of Moyamensing, PA; Edward Dawes, 30; Elizabeth Given, consort of Samuel Given.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia February 21, 1818

ASSAWOMAN BEACH - PUNGOTEAGUE - Packet ACCOMACK, Capt. Custis - Mr. GORMAN, wife and 4 children, among the passengers of the JOHN McCAMMON, Capt. LASMOUR, stranded on Assowoman Beach. The family lost all their belongings and arrived with nothing on the Packet Accomack. Mr. Gorman's object is to get to Raleigh,NC, where his brother resides.


JAMES FUREY of Philadelphia, member of the Hiram Beneficial Society
GEORGE WEISS, 32, of Nicetown, PA.
JOSEPH R. DOLBY, 23, son of the late Capt. ABRAHAM DOLBY, became a victim of the PLAGUE on his passage from Egypt

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia January 13, 1819

DIED – Matthew McKenny, 60 to 70 yrs old, died in Orange County Jail, New York. States reason for incarceration.
DIED – At Southwood House, near Ramsgate, England; Charlotte, Dowager Countess of Dunmore died 11/11/1818. Wife of John, fifth Earl of Dunmore. Details the lives of her and her nine children, including status’.
DIED – Andover, New Hampshire; Joseph Noyes, 54 yrs old, had two sons and a daughter, bequeathed $10,000 to maintain a school and tutor in Andover.
MANLIUS, NEW YORK – A fire burned down the schoolhouse. Also, a son of Dr. J. Gilmor caught his leg in a cog wheel at the mill of Nims & Stebbins. Probable amputation.
DIED – Christian Peterman, 83 yrs old, funeral at his house in Marpole Township, Delaware County, PA.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia February 18, 1819

DIED – Hannah Miles, 83 yrs old, dies from illness.
Sarah Linnington Shewell, wife of Thomas Shewell of Philadelphia, left behind five small children.
Rachel Steinmetz, 68 yrs old, widow of the late Jocob Steinmetz.
William Steele, son of General John Steele, 26 yrs old.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia February 23, 1819

EXECUTION OF THE PIRATES IN BOSTON - John Williams, Francis Frederick, Niles Peterson alias Niles Peterson Folgreen and John Rog were executed for piracy and murder on board the PLATTSBURGH of Baltimore - executed near the Burying Ground at Boston Neck.

ALEXANDER ARBUTHNOT - lately executed by General Andrew Jackson in America was a native of Montrose Scotland, amiable but a child of misfortune, a private trader long in the territory of the SEminole Indians

MARRIED - Peter Wolff to Louisa F. Fisher daughter of Captain Hans H. Fisher.
DIED - Thomas Orr at age 70 from Scotland.
DIED - Dr. Isaac Cathrall at 56.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia March 23, 1819

ESCAPED PRISONERS - $200 REWARD. Escaped from the prison of the city and county of Philadelphia. Article lists names and descriptions. HENRY KELLY, WILLIAM M'ILHENNY, and WILLIAM WOOD.

MARY BRUNTON OBITUARY - Female author of Self Control and Discipline. She died shortly after giving birth to a lifeless infant.

FOX INDIAN MURDERED - Nephew of Black Tobacco, a fox chief. A man named Samuel Thomson, angry because Indian dogs were bothering his employer's hogs, shot the Indian through the heart. Near the mouth of Salt River in Missouri. At the time of the murder, a young man named Flemming and a mulatto were hewing timber in the woods, and were attacked by 3 Indians. Flemming got 3 fingers shot off his right hand. Thompson escaped.. He took a rifle with him.


CHARLES H. PARKER, age 24, son of DANIEL PARKER, of Salem, Massachusetts. Drawer and ENGRAVER, cultivated under Fairman in Philadelphia.
GEORGE BRIDGEPORT, Artist, Native of England.
THOMAS FOUGHT, a native of Carlisle, PA, died at Havana on Feb. 4

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia March 30, 1819


AMY H. HOUSTON, wife of DR. WILLIAM F. HOUSTON, of Columbia, PA-- Brother-in-law, John Y. Bryant

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia April 1, 1819

MAIL ROBBER TRANSPORTED TO TRIAL - The Deputy Marshal of the District, accompanied by Mr. Chester Bailer, left town in the Mail Stage for Trenton, NJ, having in custody AMBROSE DE LA CROIX KNUBLEY, the Mail Robber, at which place he will be tried.


JOHN HEATH, Esq., late Capt. in the MARINE CORPS, US Navy, to ELIZABETH DEAKINS, daughter of Col. Deakins of Bladensburgh.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia April 3, 1819

NEW YORK EXECUTION - On the 19th was executed at Schoharie, JOHN VAN ALSTYNE, for the murder of Sheriff HUDDLESTON.

MAIL ROBBERS - Two mail robbers, Pierre Bertrand and Joseph Mauric, left in custody on the Union Line Steam Boat, Olive Branch, on their way to Trenton, NJ where they will be tried. The 3rd robber, Derezeau, will also be tried.


MR. CHARLES BOWMAN, age 83, Revolutionary character.
LT. JAMES B. TAYLOR, of the United States Navy, drowned. A sloop coming from Amelia Island was upset by a violent squall. Lt. Taylor and one of the boatmen were drowned.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia May 21, 1819

MARRIED - John Ford to Catharine Bryan daughter of Guy Bryan

BOATING DEATH - Anson Graham, 22, was on his way to settle in Michigan Territory from Buffalo (Niagara) NY, when he fell off of the steamboat - He and R. B. Peacock had been leaning on the railing of the boat - Peacock was caught before falling into the water.

MOUNT HOLLY NJ DEATH - The three year old daughter of Samuel Burr drowned in the mill race that runs through the town.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia May 25, 1819

NAVAL COMMANDERS DEATH - Capt. Thomas Gamble died on Oct. 9th and not the 10th as previously believed - Other ships and military personel mentioned are Erie, Capt. McKnight, Lieut. Peter Gamble, Saratoga, Com. Macdonough, Lieut. F. Gamble, Major John M. Gamble.

DIED - Solomon Maroche at 85, Alexander Napier, Valentine Gardner, Hannah Foss at age 103 in Gilmantown NH, Jennet Black at age 102 in Blandford, George West at age 77 in Burlington NJ.

LOSS OF SCHOONER MAGNIFICENT - Capt. Ashby and crew perish on journey from New York to Edenton when the boat capsized in a gale - Reported by Capt. Doe or schr. Melva-Doe.

MARRIED - Darby Daniel MacClean to Margaretta S. Mackenna - Margaretta was to be married to James Locke, who appeared to at the time and place to be married to her though she did not arrive - Includes details of the misfortune of Darbey and the story that followed the wedding - Recieved by telegraph from Ireland - 6.5 column inches

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia August 7, 1821


SUSAN ARNOLD, died at Gibraltar, daughter of BERNARD HENRY, Esq., United States consul at that place

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia August 21, 1821


JOSIAH HEWES, age 89, born in NJ, lived in Philadelphia occupied in trade and commerce. He was a father to many an orphan-- a benefactor to the widow and desolate.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia October 24, 1821

ANNIVERSARY OF THE ARRIVAL OF WILLIAM PENN - Penn, on the 24th of October, 1682, with 2000 emigrants, landed at New Castle. Pennsylvania, granted by Charles II to William Penn, as a payment of a debt due Sir William Penn, (Admiral), the father of our founder... More.

TAVERNS and CLUBS OPEN ON SUNDAYS - Editorial. Advertisements in the papers, that, on the Sabbath, "a delicacy of the season, would be served up with the best liquors.." Christians have set aside this as a day of abstinence of labor and for religious exercise. It is hoped that the citizens of Philadelphia will not spend the day disregarding this practice... More.

FINAL INTERMENT OF THE QUEEN'S REMAINS - The mourners arranged in the vault, the minister, J.W.D. Wolff, preacher at the Cathedral Church, stood at the head of the coffin and, with emotion in his voice, said a prayer in German. Translation of the prayer included in article. 100 were admitted and formed a circle around the platform and strewed flowers on the floor and arranged wreaths on the coffin. English present: Lord and Lady Hood, Lady Ann Hamilton... More.

MAFFIT - Mr. Maffit, the celebrated Methodist Minister continues to preach at Boston, and to attract numerous auditories. some say he is a good speaker and some say not as eloquent. Deeply interested in the awful truths which he is called to ponder.... More.

SEARCHING FOR PIRATES - The Enterprize, Capt. Kearney, and Porpoise, Capt. Ramage, sailed from Pensacola in quest of Pirates.... More.

BLACK EAGLE - King of Birds - killed on the mountain in Farmington and was brought to Hartford, CT. Wings measured 7 ft extended. Talons could pick up an object of 20 inches in circumference. The bird was killed by a stone, thrown at it while sitting on a fence.

FIRE AT BUSH HILL - House of Mr. Clemens was destroyed and considerable damage to his Laboratory. Damage also to the Foundry of Muhlenburgh and Rush.

ANDROIDS - It's been suggested to Mr. Haddock that it would be imprudent to remove to Baltimore until the sick reports finally subside. It is his duty to comply with wishes of friends to exhibit the androids every evening in the week at 8:00 till further notice. More. 2 column inches. [Automaton]

GEORGE A. SMITH of Mt. Airy to Miss CATHARINA BOWMAN, of Germantown [Catherine Bowman]
MILES N. CARPENTER to ELIZA ROBERTS, daughter of Algernon Roberts, of Lower Merion [Lower Marian]

Judge NATHANIEL PENDLETON, ESQ. age 64, Died at Hyde Park, NY. More Obit.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia October 25, 1821

COPPER COINS - CENTS - A large supply of cents is now ready for distribution from the Mint of the United States. Quantities available and will be transported. Application to be made to the Treasurer of the Mint.

SLAVE TRADE - Extract of a letter from an officer on board HMS Tartar, under Sir George Collier, Bart, commanding the squadron stationed on the Coast of Africa, for the suppression of the odious and illegal traffic in slaves. Two slave vessels taken by the Tartar and Thistle. Lt. Hagan, commander of the Thistle surprised the villains in a canoe and captured the schooner having 450 slaves and a crew of 50 men. Many of the female slaves leaped overboard and were in a moment carried away by sharks.... Nothing can be supposed more horrible than the treatment and condition of the slaves on their passage from Africa. Fever and dysentery...

BALTIMORE - FELL'S POINT - The Baltimore board of Health Sec. W.D. Harris, do to the severe frosts, the Malignant Fever has entirely disappeared. All who removed from Fell's Point can return in perfect safety.

ACCIDENT at Dr. MASON'S CHURCH - to a journeyman painter named DONALD FRASER. Fell off a ladder and caught his jaw on one of the iron palings, lacerating it in a shocking manner, crushed the bones of his thigh. Rushed to the hospital and only lingered for two hours. More. 2 column inches.


Mrs. HANNAH PEALE, wife of Charles W. Peale, Esq. who died at his seat near Germantown PA.
Hon. ELIAS BOUDINOT, Esq. Age 82. Died at Burlington, NJ

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia October 27, 1821

EARDLEY NORTON of LONDON - WATCH STOLEN - MURDER committed in the home of Mrs. Catharine Alwyne, a widow, on the road leading to Gray's Ferry, about two miles from Philadelphia. The monsters were able to escape in the dark of night. A negro and a mulatto, entered the house and seized the old lady, who, with her son, was preparing her vegetables for market. They beat her severely, struck the child with an instrument, fracturing his skull very much. The daughter, upstairs, heard the cry of murder, ran down the stairs, was hit with several blows to the head, her eyes nearly destroyed. She managed to get accross the road where she fell senseless until discovered by neighbors. The boy died. The daughter is recovering. The only thing taken was a double case SILVER WATCH, small size, maker's name E. NORTON, LONDON. As they have probably sold or pledged the watch, it may lead to t heir apprehension.

MAIL ROBBERY NEAR ELKTON, MD - Southern Mail, on its way to Philadelphia, was robbed near Elkton, MD, by a person [description given]... $200 reward has been issued for the apprehension and conviction of the offender. Caution citizens who buy or sell bank notes or foreign bills of exchange to be careful of transactions made with strangers.

NAPOLEON'S BUST DISPUTE - The celebrated Count Bertrand, the companion of Bonaparte in his exile at St. Helena, and executor under his will, appeared before R. Birnie, Esq. accompanied by Sir Robert Wilson, in consequence of a warrant having been issued to search the residence of the Count for a bust of his illustrious master, which it was alleged was the property of Dr. Burton, a surgeon on the establishment at St. Helena. The article goes on to give all the details of how the dispute came to be.

ANDROIDS - Avert. page 3 - Open every evening (except Saturday and Sunday) at 7:00 to commence at 8:00 precisely at Mr. Eglee's room, HADDOCK'S EXHIBITION of ANDROIDES. Special day exhibitions for select parties by giving a day's notice.


JANE SHANNON, age 75, wife of William Shannon

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia July 29, 1822

MARRIED - John M'Kinley to Ann Eliza Meyers, daughter of Captain Henry Meyers, Jr.

DROWNED - John Baker, 10, son of Adam Baker of Northern Liberties. - brief

MAN DIES OF RABIES - Correspondence from Baltimore, MD dated July 27 of the death of John Durham due to being bitten by a mad dog.


Joseph W. Zimmerman, son of Sebastian Zimmerman
Cyrus Tally, 41
Frederick Smith, in New Orleans, late of Philadelphia, son of Charles Smith of Northern Liberties.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia September 20, 1822

HARTFORD CONNECTICUT - HIGHWAY ROBBERY - Melissa Phillips, James Andruss, and Ezra Hunt were indicted for a robbery committed on the person of Mr. Hayden - The women enticed Mr. Hayden on to a by-path, where he was seized by two men - They are found guilty - No sentence has been passed.

WITCHCRAFT MURDER - NORFOLK VA - Joseph Lewis shot and killed a free man of color named Bass after he believed him to have bewitched him and his wife - He was told that Bass had done so by a fortune teller - Lewis publicly acknowledged the murder and said he would do the same again - He awaits a sentence - The fortune teller was committed to jail.

LIGHTNING DEATH - RICHMOND VA - A negro woman was struck down by lightning and killed - She lived with her mistress, Mrs. Burton.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia October 3, 1822

NEW YORK RESEVOIR COLLAPSE - Samuel Harris, Patrick Machan, and John McLean were commissioned to repair the resevoir in front of the Presbyterian church on Broome Street - The brick arch collapsed on them while they worked covering them in 8 to 10 tons of brick and sand - McLean was extricated but the other two died before they could be uncovered.

VICE CONSUL OF SARDINIA DIES - Theophilus F. Dougherty dies at age 49 in Baltimore - 1.5 column inches

DIED - William R. Pritchett at age 53 - Hannah Harford at age 70. SHAWNEETOWN IL DEATH - Samuel Hayes dies of a short but severe illness.

NORFOLK VA - LIGHTNING DEATH - Lightning struck the mast of a boat passing up the Western Branch, the bolt passed into Miss Hobgood, daughter of a widow lady of that name residing near Hall's Mill.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia November 12, 1822

PETER JOHNSEN - of Lower Dublin dies.
JOHN W. RULON marries ANN BURR at Friend's meeting.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia January 09, 1836


Elizabeth Allen, 35, wife of Benjamin Allen and eldest daughter of John Matthews
Anna Mc'Cormick, 9, daughter of John Mc'Cormick and Ann Mc'Cormick
Mary Bache, infant of Dr. Frankin Bache
Mrs. Bernabeu, widow of late Chevalier de Bernabeu, Consul General of Spain, at her son-in-laws residence
Dr. R. S. Steuart in Baltimore
John Fritzinger, 86, in Doylestown, PA
William Cooke, 89, of Pemberton, NJ

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia January 13, 1836


GEORGE D. SMITH, printer, age 24

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia February 1, 1836


Elizabeth Claypoole at age 84. Eliza Virginia Eisenbrey age 1 daughter of John Eisenbrey Jr. Charles A. Sturdivant son of 1 year of John Sturdivant and Catharine Sturdivant. Margaret Gravell aged 25 wife of John Gravell .

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia February 3, 1836

DEATH OF CONGRESSMAN JOHN GLONINGER, 78. Includes a sketch of his life, Lebanon County, PA.


JOHN D. MATIN, Clock and Watch maker
S.C. TAIT, 28, died of Diabetes Melletus in Mercer County, Springfield Township.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia February 22, 1836

HARLEM TUNNEL ACCIDENT KILLS FIVE - Many laborers have been employed in excavating the rock on the Harlem rail road for the purpose of forming a tunnel. A large mass of rock, not less than 20 tons, gave way and instantly killed James Bulger, Stephen Cady, James Johnson, Michael Boran and James Armstrong.


TIMOTHY WINN, Esq., Purser in the US Navy
JOHN KLEMM, age 40
Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia February 25, 1836

USS CONSTITUTION - Extract of a letter from on board the US Frigate Constitution, dated Island of Minorca, Nov. 11, 1835. Reached the Navy Yard at this boat harbor in the Mediterranean, on 22 Sept. Arrived off Gibraltar on the 11th... valuables for the Emperor of Morocco. Apprehensions of sickness... Violent gale drove into the gulf of Lyons. Our fleet consisted of the Delaware 74 (suffered greatly during the gale- the ship the writer of this letter is on), the ships John Adams, Potomac, and Shark. We sail tomorrow for Marseilles, and then to Smyrna to winter.

Mauch Chunk, PA - Feb. 22, 1836 - FATAL ACCIDENT - A miner named Owen O'Donnell, employed at Holland & Co. at the SUMMIT MINE, was killed instantly by a premature explosion of a blast. Nearly the whole of his skull was blown off. The cause was his own carelessness. Details of the accident included.

COURT - PETER ECK, charged with murdering PATRICK BUTLER, on the Schuylkill canal, found guilty of manslaughter. Trial of the young men charged with the murder of CHARLES WILLOUR.


WILLIAM GOODALE, killed by a large body of snow which fell from the roof of the public school. Suffocated.
PRUDENCE ANGELICA HODGSON, age 59, widow of the late Capt. John B. Hodgson
EVE HILBORNE, age 75, wife of Benjamin Hilborne
CATHARINE QUINN, age 44, wife of Barnet Quinn
CATHARINE DUANE, daughter of William J. Quinn, Esq.
BARTHOLOMEW LAPORTE, Esq. age 78, died at Asylum, PA. Born in France, emigrated to Spain and was banished to the United States in 1793.

MARRIED: FREDERICK HANCOCK to ANN P. COLLINS, daughter of the late William Collins, Esq. of Delaware.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia February 26, 1836

DUEL - USS CONSTITUTION and SHARK - SMYRNA - Two midshipmen of the American Squadron, named Barton and Wood. Barton was hit below the knee, severe fracture. Barton is the son of Dr. W.P.C. Barton of the NAVY, residing in Philadelphia. Mr. Wood, son of Mr. Wood of the Chestnut Theater in Phila. Thier seconds were passed midshipman Ringgold of the Constitution and Mcdonough of the Shark. Barton detached from Constitution and assigned to the Shark. Conflict arose because Wood refused to mess with Barton, on the ground that a quarrel existed between them before leaving the United States.

CHAMBERSBURG, PA - BREECH OF PROMISE Case- Rebecca Jordon, alias Rebecca Williams, plaintiff, and Napoleon B. Hughes, defendant. Verdict $2000 in damages plus costs to the plaintiff.


FRANCIS DEPAU, Esq. age 62, died at Paris
EVE HILBORNE, age 75, wife of Benjamin Hilborn
CATHARINE QUINN, age 44, wife of Barnet Quinn
CATHARINE DUANE, daughter of William J. Quinn, Esq.
AMON TWIGG, accidentally shot by friend, Mr. Burrel, while deer hunting.
QUAKER MINISTER, WILLIAM ALMY, age 75, in 1789 he married the only daughter of Moses Brown. Partnered with Obadiah Brown and Samuel Slater and established the first water power cotton manufactory in America. More Obituary. 2 column inches.


ANDREW R. CHAMBERS to SARAH ANN DYDE, daughter of William Hyde, Esq.
THOMAS FREEMAN to MARY FISHER Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia February 29, 1836

MURDER SENTENCED TO HANGING - JOHN EARLS, charged with poisoning his wife [Catherine], has been found guilty of murder in the first degree. Includes Judge Lewis's address to the prisoner which ends with "...the jail of the county of Lycoming, and from thence to the place of execution, within the walls or yard of the jail; and that you be there hanged by the neck until you are DEAD. And may God have mercy upon your soul.


COLORED MAN KILLED - A colored man, named Thomas Tate, killed in a coal pit, while engaged in digging coal in the employ of J.J. Noss. Roof caved in.

FELL THROUGH THE ICE - Brig. Enterprise, Capt. Whildbee. While lying on Little River, frozen in ice, Mr. Combs, mate of the brig and Mr. Littlefield, 2nd mate, and one passenger attempted to walk on shore on the ice. About 2 miles from the brig, Combs fell through an air hole, the mate, in trying to assist him out, broke in also and both were drowned. The passenger found he could be of no help to them and returned to the brig.

FAMILY FOUND DEAD IN BED - Mr. Adam P. Dennis, his wife and child, from the village of Pine Plains, NY, were found dead in ther bed. Wife and daughter were sick. Mr. Dennis got up in the night to wake his mother and inform her that the wife and daughter had been suddenly seized with vomiting. He filled the furnace, returned to bed, where they were all three found in the morning lifeless.



Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia April 8, 1836




Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia May 14, 1836

FUNERAL OF GOV. BENNETT - Caleb Bennett - The remains of the Governor were interred in the Friends' buying ground in Wilmington, DE. The mayor and city council also attended. Guns were fired, and the town bell tolled.

SUICIDE VICTIM COULD'VE BEEN SAVED - Except the mob who gathered around the store of Mr. Stevens, the young man who committed suicide on Friday would not let any one enter until Colonel Amee, the Coroner, arrived, deeming it unlawful. The corner found the body still warm and thinks he breathed once or twice after the cord was removed.


Col. John Baker of Mason county, accidentally killed by Mr. Ashcraft. Without seeing each other, both men were in pursuit of the same flock of wild turkeys.
JOHN HAMILTON, age 49, hatter
SIDNEY E. CANBY, wife of James Canby, Jr. Died at Wilmington, DE

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia May 20, 1836

REV. JOHN MURRAY - the remains of the Rev. John Murray, which repose in the Granary Burial Ground, are to e removed to Mount Auburn, MA and a monument erected over them, at a cost $1000. Murray was the first minister of the First Universal Church. Said to be the first preacher of the doctrine of the Universal Salvation in America. He died in Sept., 1815.


JOHN M. MORGAn, age 42
THOMAS G. KENNEDY, age 53, died at his residence in Erwinna, PA

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia June 3, 1836


Capt. ALFRED MORDECAI of the U.S. Army and SARA ANN HAYS, daughter of Samuel Hays, Esq.


SARAH WATSON, age 67, wife of Charles C. Watson
ANN B. PEALE, age 29, wife of Edmund Peale
CATHARINE PEALE, age 4, daughter of Edmund Peale

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia June 4, 1836


SARAH WATSON, age 67, wife of Charles C. Watson
CHARLES SOUDER, Esq., age 58
Mrs. SUSAN HOFFMAN, age 50
ISAAC D. GRIFFITH, age 40, of the Northern Liberties
At Uwchlan Township, Pennsylvania, SAMUEL DENNY, bookseller
In Wilmington, Delaware, JOHN RUMFORD, age 59

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia July 18, 1837

MOBILE, ALABAMA MURDER – while both drunk, Peter Church was killed by a friend over a minor dispute. The repentant killer turned himself in.


JAMES WORRAL and ANNA MARIA HUDSON, daughter of the late Dr. Edward Hudson
HENRY DU PONT [Henry DuPont] of Delaware and LOUISA GERHARD, daughter of William Gerhard


Major WILLIAM ETRIS, age 62
CATHARINE JANE SMITH, wife of Solomon Smith
WILLIAM T. PALMER, age 38, son of the late William T. Palmer, printer
Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia July 15, 1837

UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA COMMENCEMENT – held July 14th. Full list of all graduates and speakers. Various degrees were conferred upon: John R. Baker, John Bohlen Jr. Charles L. Borie, George L. Buzby, Aaron D. Chaloner, Marine T. W. Chandler, John M. Clarkson, John Clayton, Alexander C. Ferguson, Franklin D. Harris, William R. McAdam, John P. Montomery, John Neill, Austin A. Phelps, Francis G. Smith Jr. Anthony E. Stocker, Edward Wharton, James C. Worrell, Everett J. Banker, Henry J. Biddle, Charles Hall, Clark Hare, John Holmes, William M. McLeod, John Moss, John B. Parker, James W. Paul, Henry H. Smith, M.D., Benjamin Stille, M.D., Henry Toland, William C. Walker, Maynard E. Carrere, Edwin S. Hammersly, Daniel L. Bryan, Buckner T. Magill, James H. Rochelle, Joseph Dunbar, John C. Drake, William D. Haywood, Charles Merrillatt, James M. Minor, Abija W. Draper, Henry Howard, A. B. C. Davis, Rt. Rev. Samuel A. McCoskry, Rev. Charles P. Krauth, Rev. Henry W. Ducachet, Alexander Dallas Bache – 6.5 column inches


Mrs. HANNAH YEAGER, consort of Joseph Yeager

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia August 16, 1837

DIED - Ferguson Kirkpatrick at 49.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia August 17, 1837

DIED - Antoinete A. Desilver wife of Robert P. Desilver and daughter of B. Bates; in Chester.
Archibald T. Dick at 43; at Downingtown.
Samuel Baldwin at 84; at Lowell, Mass.
Frances Ames, relict of Fisher Ames at 74.

UWCHLAN TOWNSHIP, PA - Died at 74, Susan Whelen wife of Dennis Whelen.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia August 28, 1837

DEATH of the BISHOP OF QUEBEC - Announce with regret the death of this venerable and excellent prelate. He died at the house of the Earl of Galloway. 63 years old. Brief.


EPHRAIM ANDERSON, age 22, Bordentown, NJ. Out gunning with the son of his boss, William Shreve, when Shreve's gun went off and the whole load entered the back of Anderson's neck. He died almost instantly.
BENJAMIN S. BONSALL, Esq. Marshall of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, age 40

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia August 30, 1837


WILLIAM KUHN 3 column inch Obituary
ALBERT W. STEEL 4 column inch. Obituary
HENRY DUDLEY originally from Connecticut. More. 2 column inches.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia August 31, 1837

CANADIAN DESERTER SHOT IN AMERICAN WATER - Four soldiers belonging to the garrison at Toronto, deserted in a small boat for the American shore. Rowing for the British Fort at the mouth of the Niagara River. Two soldiers on the look out at Fort George gave chase. Near Fort Niagara, they called to the deserters for their surrender. Pursuer raised musket to shoot. Sgt. Powley, of Ft. Niagra, yelled "Don't fire, sir! The men are in American waters" but the guy shot anyway, killing the man. More. 4 column inches.

DR. STEWART, The Late BISHOP OF QUEBEC, was BURIED Tuesday, at the cemetery on the Harrow road, in the family vault of the Earl of Galloway who attended as chief mourner. The 2nd Bishop recently interred at this cemetery, as the lat Bishop of St. David's, Lord J. Murray. More. 1.5 column inches.

OBITUARIES: ESTHER HEATH, age 56, wife of CHARLES P. HEATH CLARA F. ASHMEAD, age 45, relict of the late REV. WILLIAM ASHMEAD RACHEL MORRIS, age 28, wife of STEPHEN P. MORRIS STEPHEN GERIN, age 56, native of Lyons, in France MIRIAM PETERS, age 34, consort of HENRY F. M'CRACKEN [McCracken] LAVINIA HETHERLING, age 20, wife of ISAAC H. HILYARD, daughter of DANIEL LEINAU Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia September 1, 1837

MARGARET ROBINET COLESBERRY, age 13 months, daughter of HENRY
BENJAMIN GARDNER, Esq., United States Consul at Palermo, in Sicily, died of cholera. Native of Massachusetts. More. 1.5 column inches.

Poulson's American
Daily Advertiser
October 23, 1837

DIED - Harriet Souder Curtis infant daughter of Benjamin T. Curtis.
Lawrence Pike Sharpe.
Williamina Cadwalader at 85.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia October 24, 1837

DIED - Captain Henry Miller late of the Florida War - died in Camden, NJ at home of Samuel Bavis - 2.5 column inches.

DIED - Jacb Smedley at 47.
Columbus Buzzle at 26.
John Aubie at 49 an organ builder.
George Colter at Franklin, LA from wounds of the pirates at Brush Island.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser
April 13, 1838

ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA ABDUCTION - MISS HAMOT, Daughter of P.S.V. Hamot is assaulted by Robert C. Bristol, Captain of the Steamboat, James Madison and taken onboard the Madison. Bristol is chased by the Steamboat Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Revenue cutter.

MARGARETTA SERGEANT daughter of Joseph Reed Sergeant dies at 16.
SARAH C. ROBERTS dies at 35.
JOHN BRODHEAD - Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church dies at 67.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia May 30, 1838


Susannah Needles at 83 a Quakers.
Catharine Clothier at 36 wife of William Clothier.
Isaac Jennings at 79.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser Philadelphia June 8, 1838

DIED - Emily Howell SNOW, wife of Dr. Fisher James Snow - 1 column inch.
DIED - Mary Fitch having had her clothes burned at age 94 late of Northern Liberties.

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