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Wheeling, Livingston County Missouri 1879 ~ 1889 Ledger Book
This is a great old ledger book from Wheeling, Livingston County Missouri. The book starts in April 1879 and ends in Aug 1889. The ledger contains 150 pages of great genealogical and historical information for Livingston County Missouri.
The ledger was the property of Edward Moore of Wheeling, Livingston County Missouri. I went and had a look in the 1880 United States Federal Census and I found that Edward was a farmer, born in New York about 1831. His wife was Catharine and he had the following children George E. Moore 20, Samuel B. Moore 17, Walter C. Moore 16, Andrew Moore 14, Catharine Moore 6.
In addition to farming Mr Moore was also involved with the County government in some fashion, although it is not clear from the ledger in what capacity.
The ledger contains a fascinating day by day record of Edward Moore's dealings with other members of the community. In the ledger he keeps track of things like people that did work for him or for the County and people that owe him or the County money. There are also many other miscellaneous notes on all manner of local goings on. There are literally hundreds of names of local people contained within its tattered pages.
This ledger book is a fantastic one-of-a-kind genealogy resource for the area in and around Wheeling, Livingston County Missouri. If you had ancestors living in Wheeling or Livingston County you may find your ancestors are in this ledger book.
Just some of the surnames in the book are Adford, Ables, Andrew, Austin, Bagley, Baker, Bartholamew, Bathgate, Boy, Bradford, Brant, Brinkley, Brooks, Brunk, Buckner, Buris, Burnet, Burris, Byers, Calaway, Campbell, Cazett, Church, Cooper, Corzette, Cummins, Coulter, Crby, Darlington, Davis, Doolie, Dooley, Dust, England, Fitspatrick, Gilbert, Glen, Gregg, Heaton, Hesterson, Holster, Howe, Jac?riet, Jackett, Lawler, Lewis, Mase, McCormick, McDonald, McEntire, Milbank, Mitchel, Moore, Morane, Oldehouse, Phillips, Pickett, Platter, Reynolds, Roe, Rogers, Rosterson, Salisbury, Scruby Brothers, Shafer, Sheets, Sheats, Sheatse, Sheetze, Smiley, Smith, Spooner, Stewart, Strow, Stroval, Stucker, Tiell or Fiell, Walkers. Weed, Weimel, White.
One of the pages from the Wheeling, Livingston County Missouri 1879 ~ 1889 Ledger Book
1980s Map showing the location of Livingston County Missouri
I am pleased to announce that I am slowly scanning all of these wonderful Ledger Books. Each book will be published as a downloadable PDF file on AncestorsAtRest website so that genealogists and historians can access them freely. Please be patient as I work towards bringing them all online.
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Meantime if you wish to help with the expense of my purchasing these invaluable one-of-a-kind Ledger Books please consider contributing. No amount is too small. The books are very expensive and I want to bring as many online for researchers to access for free. I hate to think of these wonderful books, chock full of our ancestors' names, disappearing!
If you would like to help, just use the PayPal button below. Choose from $5.00, $10.00, $15.00, $20.00 or $25.00 to go towards the costs of purchasing more ledger books.
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