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Death Records in the Register of Burials in the Temple Church, London England

Temple Church is one of the oldest churches in London. Located between Fleet Street and the River Thames. The Church was built by the Knights Templar, the order of crusading monks founded to protect pilgrims on their way to the holy land in the 12th century. The Church was consecrated in 1185 by the patriarch of Jerusalem. It was designed to recall the holiest place in the Crusaders' world: the circular Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The church was bombed in 1941 and a lot of it had to be rebuilt.

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Temple Church, pages 1-4 _Peggy    
Surname First Name Comments
Watkins Thomas servant to Mr. Crooke, was buried in the Temple church a little above the round walke on the Inner Temple ride, the 19th say of February, 1628[-29].
Doggett William clerke of the Counter in Wood streete, was buried in the Temple churchyeard, the third of March, 1628[-29].
Snellinge George, Mr. a gentleman of the Middle Temple, was buried within the quire by the Middle Temple doore, the 9th of March, 1628-29
Gwinne Rowland, Mr. a gentleman of the Middle Temple was buried within the quire by the minister's deske, on the Middle Temple side, the third day of December, 1629.
Gibson Abraham doctor in divinitie and sometimes lecturer in the Temple, was buried neare the communion table, the 5th of January, 1629[-30].
Tomkins John, Mr. a gentleman of the Middle Temple, was buried by the communion, on the Middle Temple side, the 18th of January, 1629[-30]
Robinson Griffin, Mr. a gentleman of the Inner Temple, was buried a little without the quire, on the Inner Temple side, on the 19th of January, 1629[-30]
Cooke Clemente, Mr. (sonne to the right honourable Sir Edward Cooke), of the Inner Temple, was buried above the benchers' pues on the Inner Temple side, the 23rd of March, 1629[-30]
Seamer Peter pannyerman of the Inner Temple, was buried by the bellfrie, on the Inner Temple side, the 31st of March, 1630.
Wigmore Henry servant to Sir Robert Heath (his Majesty's Attourney General), was buried in the round walke, the 26th or April, 1630.
Whatman Thomas, Mr. a bencher of the Inner Temple, was buried above the benchers' pues, on the Inner Temple side on the 27th of May, 1630.
Vivian Michael, Mr. a barrister of the Middle Temple, was buried below the benchers' pues on the Middle Temple side, the 20th of November, 1630.
Best Charles of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buried in the round walke, on the Middle Temple side, the 25th of May, 1631.
Phelps Giles of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buried in the round walke, on the esquire, was buried in the round walke, on the Middle Temple side, the 25th of May, 1631.
Cudmore Daniel of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buried in the middle ile by the communion table , on the Inner Temple side, the 30th of June, 1631
Davies John, Mr. a bencher of the Inner Temple, was buried against the communion table, on the Inner Temple side, the 20th of August, 1631.
Whittingham William, Mr. a gentleman of the Inner Temple, was buried by the communion table on the Inner Temple side, 17th of November, 1631.
Powell John of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buried on the Inner Temple side, by the communion table, the 8th of December, 1631.
Hopkins Samuel, Mr. a gentleman of the Inner Temple, was buried below the cross iles on the Inner Temple side, the 21st of February, 1631[-32].
Landen Benjamin, Mr. a bencher of the Middle Temple, was buried in the chancell ile on the Middle Temple side, the 1st of March, 1631[-32].
Baret John servant to Mr. Leile of the Middle Temple, was buried in the round walke on the Middle Temple side, the 3rd of May, 1632.
Lloyd John, Sir knight and serjeant at law, of Serjeants Inne in Fleet-street, heretofore of the bench in the Inner Temple, was buried in the chancell ile, besides the benchers' pues, on the Inner Temple side, the 18th of May, 1632.
Foster Robert servant to Mr. Winnington of the Middle Temple, was buried in the round walke, on the Middle Temple side, the 23rd day of May, 1632.
Rives John, Mr. a gentleman of the Middle Temple, was buried below the Middle ile, below the communion table, on the Middle Temple side, the 10th of November, 1632.
Joyner Andrew of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buried above the round on the Middle Temple side, the 21st of November, 1632.
Walrond Margaret, Mistress wife of Mr. James Walrond, sometimes bencher of the Middle Temple, was bried in the high chancell on the Middle Temple side, the 8th of December, 1632.
Masters Richard, Mr. gentleman, was buried under the communion table, the 12th of December, 1632.
Gilbert Humphrey, Mr. a gentleman of the Inner Temple, was buried by the side doore on the Inner Temple side, the 16th of September, 1633.
Broome Humphrey, Mr. a gentleman of the Middle Temple, was buried below the communion table, in the middle ile, on the Middle Temple side, the 20th of September, 1633.
Fenner John, Sir knight, sometimes of the Inner Temple, was buried in the long walke above the round walke, on the Inner Temple side, the 26th of November, 1633.
Esmond George of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buried in the middle ile, the 29th of November, 1633.
Clotterty Thomas of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buried on the Inner Temple side, in the middle ile, against the barrister's seates, the 2th day of January, 1633[-34]
Earle Christopher of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buried in the middle ile, below the communion table, on the Middle Temple side, the 4th of Aprill, 1634.
Marston John, Mr. minister, sometimes of the Middle Temple(who dyed in Aldermanbury parish) was buried in the Temple church, below the communion table on the Middle Temple side, the 26th of June, 1634.
Flashman John who lay at Mr. Heale's chamber in Hare's Courte, was buried beside the poore-man's box in the round, the 21st of July, 1634.
Worthington Roger servant to Mr. Mallett,(her Majesties's Solicitor) of the Middle Temple, was buried in the round walke, by the poore-man's box, the 5th of September, 1634.
Southcoate John of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buried in the Middle ile, by the communion table, on the Middle Temple side, September 19th, 1634.
Raynell Burrough, Mr. a gentleman of the Middle Temple, was buried in the middle ile, by the reading seate, on the Middle Temple side, the 29th of September, 1634.
Cave Brian, Mr. a gentleman of the Middle Temple, was buried in the high chancell on the Middle Temple side, the first of December, 1634.
Glasse John, Mr. a gentleman of the Inner Temple, was buried in the middle ile, against the communion table, on the Inner Temple side, the 16th of December, 1634[-35]
Verney John of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buried in the vault on the Middle Temple side, in the high chancell, the 6tth day of February, 1634[-35]
Lewis Anthony, Mr. sea-captaine, who departed this life the 13th day of March, 1634, at Baron Trever's Chamber in the Inner Temple, was buried in the high chancell, above the bencher's pes, the 18th day of the same moneth of March, 1634[-35].
Hadsor Richard, Mr. a bencher of the Middle Temple was buried in the chancell ile, beside the benchers' pues, on the Middle Temple side, the 27th of March, 1635.
Moore Richard, Sir knight, a master of the Chancery and an assistant of the bench of the Middle Temple, was buried on the Middle Temple side, the 11th of Aprill, 1635.
Chetwood Richard, Sir knight, sometime of the Inner Temple, was buried in the high chancell against the long seate, on the Inner Temple side, the 21st of May, 1635.
Chamberlaine Anne daughter of Thomas Chamberlaine, gardiner of the Inner Temple, was buried in the Churchyeard the 4th day of June, 1635.
Gerrard Raphe on of the butlers of the Inner Temple, was buried in the churchyeard, the 22nd of June 1635.
Lambe Charles of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buried in the bodie of the church, below the communion table on the Middle Temple side, the 6th of July, 1635.
Cooke Bridget, Mistress daughter of Mr. Clement Cooke, was buried in the Temple church beside her fathers grave, the 17th of November, 1635.
Roberts Hugh Roberts, Mr. sometimes of the Middle Temple, gentleman, and one of te clarkes of the Register's office, was buried neare Mr. Martin's tombe, the 19 of November, 1635
Drake William, Mr. soone in law to Mr. Lewis Hele and sometimes of the Inner Temple, was buried in the ile, against the bodie of the church, on the Inner Temple side, the 19th of Noverber, 1635.
Owen Robert, Mr. of the Middle Temple, gentleman, was buried by the pulpit on the Middle Temple side, the third of January, 1635[-36]
Bannister William, Mr. of the Inner Temple, gentleman, was buried in the bodie of the church against the bencher's pues on the Inner Temple side, the 6th of May, 1636.
Holmes Nicholas, Mr. of the Inner Temple, gentleman, was buried the 3th of October, 1636, in the round walke.
Stapleton Edward, Mr. a bencher of the Inner Temple, was buried in the ile, against the benchers' pues, the fourth of November, anno Domini, 1636.
Longe One a stranger that did in the Middle Temple Walkes of the plague was buried in the church yard the 23th of March, 1636.
Bartly John doctor of physick, was buried in the body of the church, under the 2nd stone northward in the 3rd rowe from the stepps, betwixt the two crosse iles, the 14th day of November, 1637.
Alston John esquire, departed his life in his chamber in the Inner Temple, and paid all dutyes belonging to the Temple church for buriall, and after all the dutyes were paid his body was carryed ot of the Temple, the 13th March 1637[-38], to be buried in the countrey/
Ginninges William servant to Mr. Rowland Jewkes of the Inner Temple was buried in the longe walke in the Temple church at the very entrance of the doore into the quire, on the Inner Temple side, the 13th day of Aprill, Anno Domini, 1638.
Frankeland Charles, Mr. one of the clarkes of the Exchequer Office, was buried in the Temple Church in the crosse ile on the Inner Temple side, neare unto the south doore, the fourth of May, anno Domiini,1638.
Longe Robert, Mr. of the Middle Temple, gentleman, was buried in the side ile, joyning to the cross ile, by the pulpit, the 29 day of June, 1638.
Staresmore George, Mr. of the Inner Temple, gentleman, was buryed in the body of the church against the bencher's pews in the middle ile, on the Inner Temple side, neare the stepps, the 16th day of July,anno Domini, 1638.
Courte John, Mr. of the Middle Temple, genleman, was buryed in the body of the church agaubst the barrester's seates, near the crosse ile, on the Middle Temple syde, the eighteenth of July, anno Domini, 1638.
Harrison Thomas , Mr. a barrester of the Inner Temple, was buryed in the bodie of the church against the barresters' seates, neare the crosse ile on the Inner Temple syde, the eight of August, anno Domini, 1638.
Dyot John , Mr. sonne of Sir Richard Dyot of Litchfield in the county of Stafford, knight, was buried in the syde isle, on the Inner Temple side, neere unto the doore next to round walke, the 26 day of October, anno Domini 1638.
Davenport Henry, Mr. of the Middle Temple,was buried in the syde isle, on the Middle Temple syde, neere unti the doore next to the round walke, the 23th day of November, anno Domini, 1638.
Chappell Richard, Mr. a barrester of the Middle Temple, was buryed in syde ile, neere the crosse isle, the nyneteenth of Febuary, anno /Domini, 1638[-39]
Thorpe Robert esquire , bencher of the Middle Temple, departed this life at his chamber in the Middle Temple, paid all duties to the Temple church for his buriall, and aftr his body was carried out into the Temple to be buried in the countrie, the eighteeth day of February, anno Domini 1638[-39].
Thorneton Edward, Mr. gentleman, of the Inner Temple, was buried in th syde isle on the Inner Temple syde, on the 23th of Aprill, 1639.
Temple Church pages 4-5_ by Peggy(s)(1)


Chafin Francis a gentleman of the Middle Temple, was buried in the syde isle on the Middle Temple syde, under the third stone next the round walke on the left hand, the 26th of October, 1639.
Farrar William esquire, a bencher of the Inner Temple, was buried in the middle isle neere the stepps of the high altar before the benchers' pewes on the Inner Temple syde, the fowerteenth day of December, 1639.
Vernon George, Sir knight, one of his Majestie's judges of the Court of Common Pleas, was buried in the Temple church by the high above the stepps, neere unto Mr. Nicholas Hare's monument, the eightenth day of December, anno Domini, 1639.
Hill Francis servant to Richard Weston of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buryed in the round walke in the church, neere the poore-man's box, upon Sonday, the 20th of December, anno Domini 1640.
Norden Richard of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buryed in the middle isle of the church, under the second broken stone from the middle doore of the quire, neere the barresters' seates, on the Inner Temple syde, anno Domini 1640[-41].
Mountague Christopher of the Middle Temple, esquire, sonne of the right honoruable Edward, of Broughton in the county of Northampton, dyed at his chamber in the Middle Temple the 29th of June, 1641 and was carryed into the country to be buryed the 30 of June, 1641.
Porter John of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buryed in the middle isle of the Temple church on the Inner Temple syde, under the third broad stone from the middle dore next to the crosse isle, neere the barresters' seates, on Tewsday at night, being the sixt of July, 1641.
Heale Warwicke of the Inner Temple, gentleman was buryed in the syde isle on the Inner Temple syde under the righht over against Doggettes doore, in the crosse isle, on Sonday night, being the eleaventh of July, 1641.
Fawne John servant to Mr. Hunt, a barrester of the Middle Temple was buried in the Temple churchyard on the north syde, betwixt the two walls neere the Middle Temple garden doore, the 22th of July, anno Domini, 1641.
Goldingham Thomas of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buryed in the syde isle, on the Inner Temple syde, under the stone next of all to the doore next the round walke, the 4th of September. 1641.
Doylie William gentleman, clerke to the worshipfull Mr. Lane, a bencher of the Inner Temple, was buryed in the round walke in the Temple church on the Inner Temple syde, on Monday the sixt of September, anno Domini, 1641.
Ashley Robert of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buryed in the middle isle of the Temple church on the Middle Temple syde, next the barrresters' seates neere to the crosse isle at the feet of Mr. Marston his stone with the inscription (Oblivioni Sacrum) upon Monday, the 4th of October, anno Domini 1641
Graton Henry of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buryed in the middle isle of the Temple Church, next the steppes on the Middle Temple syde, close to the upper end of the benchers' seates, upon Satterday, the xxxth of October, anno Domini 1641.
Cholmeley Hugh of the Inner Temple, esquire, sonne and heire of the right worshipfull Nicholas Cholmeley, treasorer of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buryed under the second stone of the high altar, next to Judge Vernon, neere Sir Nicholas Hare's tombe, on the Inner Temple syde, in the middle isle, upon Firday, the fift of November, anno Domini 1641.
Seyner Robert of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buryed in the body of the Temple church under the second stone next the crosse isle, neere the upper end of the barrester's seates, on Monday at night the 22th of November, anno Domini 1641.
Leaving Thomas of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buryed in the syde Isle under the second stone from Doggettes doore, next the wall, on the Inner Temple syde, upon Monday at night, the 14th day of February, anno Domini 1651[-42]
Gravenor John of the Inner Temple, esqire, was buryed in the middle isle under the third broad stone next Mr. Ashley's grave neere the crosse isle, on the Inner Temple side, in the body of the church, neere unto the barresters' seates, upon Monday at night, being the 21th of March, anno Domini 1641[-42]
Younge Elizabeth, The Lady wife of Sir John Younge of Steadcombe in the county of Devon, Knight, was buried in the Temple church neere the highe alter, betwixt the doore and Mr. Clement Coke's monument, close by the doore and wall att the upper end of the quire in the syde isle on the Temple side upon Tewsday at night,being the fift day of Aprill, anno Domini 1642.
Aldersey William master of arts of Brasenose colledge in Oxford, was buryed in the Temple church in the long walke before the quire on the Middle Temple syde under the broken stone neere unto the seates upon Whitsonday at night, being the 29th day of May, anno Domini 1642
Harvey John of the Inner Temple. Esquire, was buryed in the Temple church in the syde isle next Doggettes doore, at the end of the long seat next the benchers' pewes, on the Inner Temple side, neere the stepps of the doore, upon Satterday at night being the fowerth day of June, anno Domini 1642.
Horton Christopher sonne of______ Horton of Catton in the county of Darby, esquire, was buryed in the Temple church in the syde isle besides the third stone in the round walke doore next to Mr. Davenport's funerall monument or scutchion on the piller on the Middle Temple syde, on Monday in the afternoone, being the 20th day of June, 1642.
Wheeler John panyerman of the Middle Temple, was bryed in the round walke in the Temple church on the Middle Temple syde, upon Tewsday, the nynth of August, 1642.
Normicott William, Mr. serjeant at armes, was buried in the long walke, before the quire in the Temple church, on the Inner Temple syde neere the seates, within a yeard of the marble stone on the right hand as wee goe into the quire, upon Monday at night, the fifteenth of August, anno Domini 1642.
Talboys Richard of the Inner Temple, gentleman, dyed at his chamber in the Inner Temple on Monday the last day of October, 1642, and was carryed thence and buryed in the church of St. Margarett's in New Fish-street, London, the third of November, 1642.
Mason George of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buryed in the long walke nere the seates, betwixt the two pillers, on the Inner Temple syde, upon Tuesday at night, the eight of December, 1642.
Sewell Sybell a lawndresse to the maisters of the bench of the honourable society of the Middle Temple, widdowe, was buryed in the Temple churchyard, the 14th day of March, anno Domini 1642[-43]
Davies Symon servant and clerke to Danyell Proctor, esquire, a barrester of the Middle Templle, was buryed in the little churchyard the 19th of Aprill 1643.
Trotman Edward esquire, a bencher of the honourable society of the Inner Temple, was buryed in the syde isle of the quire above the benchers' pewes, betwixt the long seates, and the stone monument in the wall in the Temple Church, on the Inner Temple syde, the 29th of May 1643.
Temple Church -pages 6-7 - peggy(s)(1)


Surname First Name Comments
Henley John of Comer in the parish of Whitchurch in the county of Dorsett, esquire, buryed in the middle isle on the Inner Temple side next the long stone, upon Monday, the last day of July, in the Temple Church, anno Domini 1643.
Munsell Stephen servant and clerke to Mr. Sejeant German, was buryed in the Temple Church in the long walke on the Middle syde within a yard of the quire syde isle doore next to the blewe stones next to Mr. Martin's tombe, upon Friday, the 22th of March 1643[-44].
Stephens John sonne of John Stephens of Middle Temple, esquire, of a weeke old, was buryed under the stepp under Mr.Baylie's pew doore, upon Wednesday the 28 of Febraury, 1643[-44]
Rowden Francis of Grayes Inn in the county of Middlesex, esquire, dyed the 30th of March, 1644, aged 38 yeares and was buryed in the long walke att the foote of the blewe stone of Mr.Wye, betwixt that and the syde doore of the inner Temple isle, the second of Aprill, 1644.
Baker Arthur sonne of Sir Richard Baker, knight, of the Inner Temple, esquire, was buryed on the Inner Temple syde in the round walke within foour stone of the very corner on the right hand, next the tombe or Momument in the wall, upon the second of Aprill 1644.
Heyward Humphrey of the Inner Temple, buryed in the Temple church in the long walke on the Inner Temple syde at the end of Mr. Wye's stone with the brasse in it, next under the foundation wall on the right hand to the Sanbell, upon Friday, the 26th of Aprill. 1644.
Chaplin Stephen late a grocer in Fleet-street and a lodger in the Temple at a sequestred chamber, buryed in the round walke in the Temple church where the bricks are lately putt, the 9th of September, 1644.
Drake George of the Inner Temple, gentleman, was buryed in the syde isle of the Inner Temple syde under the broken stone, about the middle of the stone, the first of October, 1644.
Johnson Katheryne daughter of Edward Johnson, one of the masters of the bench of the honourable society of the Inner Temple, esquire, buryed in the body of the church next the stepps under the stone with armes, betwixt the pulpitt and the gentlemen's pewes, under the loose stone, the 7th of August 1644.
Cholmeley Nicholas late treasurer of the honorurable society of the Inner Temple. Buryed above the stepps on the Inner Temple syde, next to Hugh Cholmeley, his sonne, and Judge Vernon's grave, under the stone with armes, the 26th of December, 1644.
Coke Robert second sonne of Mr. John Cooke of Holkeham in the county of Norfolke, esquire, buryed in the Temple church under Mr. Clement Cooke's monument next the great chest at the upper end of the Inner Temple syde, next the great stone, 20 January, 1644[-45].
Whyte John esquire, one of the burghesses of Paliament for the burrough of Southwarke and the chaire of the honorurable Committee of the House of Commons for Plundered Ministers, late one of the benchers of the Honorurable sociery of the Middle Temple, lyeth buryed in the Temple church in the middle isle above the stepps on the Middle Temple syde at the upper end of the church, close to the end where the alter lately stood, the first of Febuary, 1644[-45].
Whitfeild Robert of Whites Wale in the county of Kilkenny in Ireland, esquire, buryed in the middle isle betwixt Mr. Ashley and Mr. Norden's gravestones at the feet of the stone with Oblivioni Sacrum, on the Middle Temple syde, the 24th of March,1644[-45].
Williams Thomas a younger sonne of John Williams late of Minister Court in the Isle of Thanett, esquire, buryed in the Temple Church within the quire doore in the syde isle on the Inner Temple syde, betweene the bencher's pewe and the wall, under the scutchion and coate of armes under the windowe next the Parson's court, the third day of Aprill, 1645.
Russell William gentleman, clerke to Robert Henley, esquire, master of the King's Bench Office and one of the benchers of the honourable society of the Middle Temple, was buryed in the round walke on the Middle Temple syde neere the poore-man's box, the 22th of Aprill, 1645.
Osborne John of the Middle Temple, esquire, was buryed in the long walke on the Middle Temple syde, neere Recorder Martyn's tombe, the 24th of May, 1645.
Bond Mary doughter of Dennis Bond of Dorchester in the county of Dorsett, esquire, and burghesse of the honourable House of Commons, buryed in the Temple church on the Inner Temple syde, in the syde isle neere the door, the second of June, 1645.
Jones William joyner to both the howses of the honourable societies of the Temples, buryed in the Temple church-yard, the 26th day of June, 1645.
Blake William esquire, master of the Fyne Office and one of the horourable society of the Inner Temple, was buryed in the Temple church in the long walke, the 27th of June, 1645.
Whitefeild Ralph, Sir knight, sargeant at lawe, was buryed in the Temple church on the middle Temple syde, at the upper end next Mr. Plouden's stone on the right hand, the 15th of September, 1645.
Thorner Ann doughter of Sir Edward Gostwyke, knight and barroneet, of Williton in the county of Bedford, wife of John Thorner of Somerford Parva in the county of Wilts, esquire, was buryed in the Temple church above the stepps at the upper end, on the Middle Temple syde, upon Friday, the nynth of January, 1645[-46].
Trevill William of the Middle Temple, gentleman, buryed in the long walke before the quire doore on the Middle Temple syde, the 12th of January, 1645[-46].
Bampfeild Lewis of the Middle Temple, esquire, brother to Sir John Bampfield, knight , buryed in the middle isle of the Temple church betwixt the reading seat and the bencher's seates below the stepps on the Middle Templesyde, the three and twentieth of February, 1645,[-46].
Ley John scrivener att the Middle Temple gate, was buried in the Temple churchyeard the 24th of March, 1645[-46].
Widdowes Mary wife of Danyell Widdowes, a lodger in the Middle Temple, buryed in the churcheyard, the 6th of Aprill, 1646.
Werden John of Chester, esquire, dyed at Mr. Jones his chamber in the Middle Temple, the 7th of June, 1646 and was by water carried to St. Mary Hill, London.
Stoner Constance wife of Angell Stoner, gentleman, buryed in the Temple church in the middle isle, 18th July, 1646.
Peters Thomas esquire, buryed in the Temple churchyeard, upon Wednesday the last day of September, 1646.
Hyde John sonne of Humphery Hyde of Hurst in the county of Berks, gentleman, clerke unto Mr. Herne belonging to Mr. Justice Conyers, one of the masters of the bench of the Middle Temple, buryed in the round walke on the Middle Temple syde neere the monuments in the belfrey, next the round, the 23 of November, 1646.
Barnard Robert eldest sonne of Robert Barnard of the Middle Temple, Esquire, buryed in the side isle of the Temple church on the Middle Temple syde, the 12rh of December, 1646.
Eltonhead Elizabeth wife of John Eltonhead, one of the maisters of the bench of the honourable society of the Middle Temple, esquire, buryed in Temple church neere the communion table on the Middle Temple syde, the 17th of February, 1646[-47].
Moorecocke Naomy servant to Henry Wollaston, of the Inner Temple, esquire, buryed in the Temple church in the round walke next the belfrey on the Inner Temple syde, the 15th of March, 1646[-47].
Brooke (no name) of the Middle Temple, esquire, buryed in the long walke of the Middle Temple syde neere the steeple doore, the 19th of June, 1647, sans fees, in regard of his poverty
Chapman Mary doughter of William Chapman, one of the butlers to the honourable society of the Middle Temple, was buryed in the syde isle of the Middle Temple syde, the (blank).
Barker no name sonne to William Barker, attorney, and one of the gentlemen of the Middle Temple, was buryed in the Temple church in the syde isle on the Middle Temple side on the left hand att the upper end, the 17th of July, anno Domini, 1647.
Fenwicke Joseph a buttery boy or washpott, buryed in the Temple churchyard, without any fees at all, the 27th of December, 1646.
Kilburne Katheryne wife of William Kilburne, gentleman, was buryed in the syde isle of the Inner Temple under the footpave on the left over against Doggett's doore, primo Octobris, anno Domini, 1647.
Watts Edward of Blaxley, in the county of Northampton, esquire, barrester of the Middle Temple, was buryed in the long walke on the Middle Temple syde neere to Mr. Recorder Martin's tombe, the 28th day of October, 1647.
Clyffe Robert of the Middle Temple, esquire, buryed in the syde isle on the Middle Temple syde, the third day of December, 1647.
Barry Rebecca doughter of William Collard, of Barnestone, in the county of Essex, esquire, buryed in the Temple church in the syde isle at the upper end, the fifth day of February, 1647[-48].
Temple Church pages 8-9 by Peggy(s)(1)


Surname First name comments
Reade John sonne of Thomas Reade, clarke, sevant to Mr. John Poole, of the Middle Temple, gentleman, buryed in the Temple churchyeard upon Friday, the last of March, 1648.
Stone Symon of the Middle Temple, esquire, buryed in the long isle of the Temple church on the Middle Temple syde neere Recorder Martyn's tombe, upon the thirteenth day of June, anno Domini, 1648.
Nash Thomas of the Inner Temple, esquire, barrester, was buryed in the syde isle of the Inner Temple syde on the left hand neere unto the doore, the 26th of August, anno Domini, 1648.
Pigott Alban of Martham, in the county of Berks, esquire, barrester, was buryed in the body of the church in the middle isle, the 4th of October, anno Domini, 1648.
Savery Stephen one of the butlers of the Inner Temple, buryed in the belfrey on the Inner Temple syde, the 23 of Octobet, 1648.
Cantrell Thomas of the Inner Temple, gentleman, was buryed in the Inner Temple syde, the 26th of October, 1684.
Ambler John Clerke to Mr. Attorney Hall, one of the benchers of the honourable society of the Middle Temple, was buried in the round walke neere the font, the 24th of October, 1648.
Smith Edward of Shaftesbury, gentleman, of the Middle Temple, buried in the long walke the first of December, 1648.
Barton Arthur of the Middle Temple, esquire, buryed in the long walke neere his escutchioon in wood upon the wall, the eight of December, 1648.
Denne John of the Inner Temple, esquire, buryed in the long walke, close to the seates neete his monments in the wall, the 20th of February, 1648[-49].
Boteler, Thomas of the Inner Temple, esquire, buryed in the syde isle, the third of February. 1648[-49].
Tovy Grace widdowe, mother to Baron Tomlyn's wife buried neere the pulpitt on the Inner Temple syde, the 26th of March, 1649.
Lowe George esquire, buryed in the long walke on the Inner Temple syde, the 27th of March, 1649.
Bury Charles of the Middle Temple, bar., buryed in the befrey, the 23 of March, 1648[-49].
Kilburne William of Grays Inn in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, buried in the Inner Temple sude isle, the 27th of March, 1649.
Ward Ambrose of Valden, in comitatu Kanc, gentleman, deceased the 26th of February, 1648[-49] and was carried to be buryed in Kent.
Holford Henry esquire, buried in the long walke on the Middle Temple syde, undecimo Aprilis, 1649.
Tomlyns John sonne of Baron Tomlyns, buryed in the long walke on the Inner Temple side, the 20 of April, 1649.
Lee Anne the wife of George Lee, esquire, buryed in the middle isle on the Inner Temple syde, the nynth of May, 1649.
Darling Edward citizen and vintner of London, buryed in the body of the church on the Inner Temple syde, the 19th of May, 1649.
Stoner Constance the doughter of Angell Stoner, of the Inner Temple, gentleman,buried in the Middle isle, the 21th of July 1649.
Stillborn a chyld of Mr. George Crayford's of the Middle Temple, buryed neere the font, the last of July, 1649.
Garton Dorathy widdowe, buried in the body of the church on the Middle Temple syde, the 15th of August, 1649.
Owen Katheryne the wife of Robert Owen, Joyner, buried in the churchyard, the 23th of February, 1649[-50].
Copely Walter butler, buryed in the round walke on the Middle Temple syde, the 8th of November 1649[-50].
Diconson Leonard of the Middle Temple, esquire, buryed in the body of the church, the 25th of February, 1649[-50].
Hill Gurdon the sonne of Mr. Roger Hill, one of the masters of the bench of the Inner Temple, esquire, buryed on the Inner Temple syde, the second of March, 1649[-50].
Vernon Walter third sonne of Sir Edward Vernon, buried in the Inner Temple syde isle, the 28th of March, 1650.
Wightwick Samuell of the Inner Temple, gentleman, eldest sonne of Samuell Wightwicke,one of the maisters of the bench of the honourable society of the Inner Temple, buried in the body of the church between reading seate and the gentlemen's pews, the 30th of June, 1650.
Gate Thomas one of the barons of coyfe of the Public Exchequer, and late one of the masters of the bench of the honourable society of the Inner Temple, was bured above the stepps at the upper end of the Temple church under the marble stone, with his armes and escutcieon on the wall, the three and twenthieth of August, anno Domini, 1650.
Hill Merriell the doughter of Mr. Roger Hill, esquire, one of the maisters of the bench of the honourable society of the Inner Temple, buried on the Inner Temple syde, the seaventh of November, 1650.
Dynne Elizabeth the doughter of Francis Dynne of the Inner Temple, esquire, buryed in the body of the church on the Inner Temple syde, the 27th of January, 1650[-51].
Gresley George, Sir of Drakelowe, in the county of Derby, knight and Barronett, buryed in the Temple church in the body of the church on the Inner Temple syde, the 5th of February, 1650[51].
Turner Arthur sargeant at lawe, was buried in the vault in the Temple church on the Middle Temple syde at the upper end of the church under the stone tombe or monument, the 4th of July, 1651.
Langley Peter of the Middle Temple, gentleman, died at his chamber in the Middle Temple and was buryed att St.Clement's church, the eight day of September, 1651.
Lanman Elizabeth the wife of Joseph Lanman, of the Inner Temple, gentleman, was buryed in the long walke neere the quire doore, the thirteenth of September, 1651, on the Inner Temple syde.
Lanman Joseph of the Inner Temple,gentleman, was buried in the long walke at the entrance into the quire doore, next his wife, on the Inner Temple syde, the 15th of October, 1651.
Ellyott Seth the sonne of Seth Ellyott, gardiner of the Inner Temple, by Jane, his wife, was buried in the churchyeard, upon Thursday, the fowerteenth day of October, 1651.
Harris Edward esquire, one of the maisters of the bench of the honourable societie of the Inner Temple, dyed at his chamber in the Temple, the 28th of November, 1651, and was carried into the countrie to be buried.
Dauborne Thomas of the Inner Temple, gentleman and an attorney at lawe, was buried in the long walke in the Temple church on the Inner Temple syde, the fifth of December, 1651.
Roberts Martha widdowe, late wife of Hugh Roberts, gentleman, one of the deputy registers of the high court of Chancery, by leave from Mr. Treasorer, was buryed under the same stone as her late husband in the long walke in the Temple church on the Middle Temple syde neere the doore going upp to the steeple, the fifteenth of January, 1851[52].
Lloyd Robert son of Robert Lloyd of Willington, in the county of Flint, gentelman, aged about 18, dyed of a feaver in Mr. Jones his chamber, in the Middle Temple,buryed in the long walke, the 12th of May, 1652.
Blackmore Marke, Mr. sonne of Marke Blackmore of Harpford in the county of Devon, gentleman, buryed in the round walke on the Middle Temple syde, under the blacke marble stone under the corner of the monuments, clarke to Sir P. Ball, one of the maisters of the bench of the honourable societie of the Middle Temple, buried(sic) in the Temple church, the second of February, 1651[52].
Hickes Fabian of the Inner Temple, esquire, lyeth buried in the long walke under Mr. Nye's stone over against the sans bell on the Inner Temple syde, the 4th of February, 11651[-52].
Shuter Katheryne, Mrs. wife of John Shuter, esquire, antientest barrester of the honorable societie of the Inner Temple, was buryed belowe the stepps above the crosse isle in the little seate on the Inner Temple syde, the 26th of May, 1652.
Watson Richard of Cliffordes Inn, gentleman, late one of the cursitors of High Court of Chancery for Northampton and Nottinghamshire, by leave from Mr. Treasorer, attorney generall, was buryed in the long walke in the Temple church on the Inner Temple syde, the 17 of June, 1652.
Evelyn William clarke, was buried in the belfrey neere unto the round walke on the Middle Temple syde the 30th of June, 1652, (vide warrant).
Hill Jane, Mistris doughter of Roger Hill, esquire, one of the masters of the bench of the honourable society of the Inner Temple, buryed on the Inner Temple syde above the stepps neere the great chest, the 27th of July, 1652.
Drake Jane the wife of John Drake, of Ash, in the county of Devon, esquire, doughter of Sir John Younge of Shadcinbe in Devon, aforesaid, dyed the 31 of July, and lyeth buried in the Temple church on the Inner Temple syde under the pendants, the 5th of August.1652.
Temple Church -pgs-10-11=by Pegy(s)(1)


Surname First Name Comments
Hobson Margarett a young gentlewoman , lyeth buryed in the long walke on the Inner Temple syde, the third of September, 1652.
Potts Charles esquire, on of the masters of the bench of the honourable society of the Middle Temple was buried att the upper end of the church above the stepps on the Midddle Temple syde, the seaventh of December. 1652.
Porter John esquire, sonne of John Porter, of Lamberhurst in the county of Kent, esquire, late one of the maisters of the bench of the honourable societie of the Inner Temple was buried in the syde isle before the benchers pieces (sic) the nynth of December, 1652.
Gwynn David of the Hay, in the county of Brecon, esquire, barrester att lawe and late one of the members of the Middle Temple, was buried in the body of the church on the Middle Temple syde, the eleaventh of February, 1652[-53].
Browne Anthony gentleman, one of the members of the honourable societie of the Inner Temple, was buryed in the body of the church on the Inner Temple syde, the twentie seaventh of May, 1653.
Barton John of the Middle Temple, esquire, barrester at lawe, buried in the syde isle on the Middle Temple syde, the sixt of June, 1653.
Burton Robert the clerke of the Temple church, was buried the thirtieth day of September, 1653, in the long walke hard by the little bell belowe the steps there.
Coxe Richard esquire, barister of the Inner Temple, was buried in the Temple church the seaventh day of October, anno Domini, 1653, in the side sisle at the end of the benchers seates of the Inner Temple next over the threshold at the entrance of that isle.
Denton William esquire, of the Midle Temple, was buryed the nine and twenty day of October, under the great stone at the end of the square seat next above the benchers seates of the Midle Temple side.
Goodhand John, Mr. of the Midle Temple, was buried in the long walke in the midle between the two midle pillers neare the belfrey, the thirteeth day of November, 1653.
Marriot Thomas, Mr. of the Inner Temple, attorney, was buried the thirtenth day of November, [1653] in the long walke neare the belfrey betweene the two midle pillers on the Inner Temple side.
Ayres Christopher gentleman, was buried the fifth day of January, [1653-54] in the long walke on the Midle Temple syde neare the midle doore of the church.
Fortescue John esquire, was buryed the sixth day of January, [1653-54] , in the Temple Church at the high alter neare the little doore on the Inner Temple side.
Dynee Francis esquire, was buried on the sixtenth day of January, [1653-4] in the body of the church in the midest of the passage on the Inner Temple side under a stone.
Sands Miles, Sir knight, and baronett, was buried in the round walke on the Midle Temple side neare the piller under a broken stone, the three and twenth day of February, [1653-54}.
Mundeford Charles a barber in the Midle Temple Lane, was buried in the church yard, the 25 day of February [1653-54], at the north end----paid no duetyes.
Lassells Edmud gentleman, was buried in the Temple churchyard, neare Mr. Sparkes' seller window, the 8th day of June, 1654.
Dingley Samuell gentleman, was buried in the Temple church under the long stone, before the clarke's seat on the Inner side, the 13th day of October, 1654.
Playford Samuell sonne of John Playford, clarke of the Temple church, an infant,syed in the Temple, but was buried at St. Dustin's the fith day of January,1654[-55].
Selden John esquire, a learned and judicious antiquery and of the honourable societie of the Inner Temple, a bencher, was buried in the Temple church neare the steeps where the saints bell hangeth in a sepulcher of marble 5 foot in the ground with this inscription (Haic Inhumater Corpus Johnnis Seldnfj Secem. anno Domini 1654') he was intered there the 14 day of December, 1654.
Machell Nicholas gentleman, dyed at his chamber in the Paper Buildings and was buried at St. Michelll's, Cornhill, the 14 day of Janurary, 1654[-55], he being of the Inner Temple. The dutys were paid heer, notwithstandinge.
Read Regenall gentleman of the Fine office in Hare Court, was buried in the Temple church in the body of the church on the Inner Temple side under the long grave-stone before the clarke's seat the 31 of January.
Thorrogood Richard esquire, barrester of the Midle Temple, was buried in the round walke next under the broken grave-stone where Sir Miles Sands was buried, the 19th of March, 1654-55]
Cox William esquire, an (ancient barrester of the Midle Temple and keeper of the Lybetary there, was buried in the body of the Temple church under the grave-stone next the stone which has Oblivium Sacrum, on the south side thereof, the 18th day of Aprill, [1655].
Berrey William gentleman, of the Midle Temple, was buried in the round walke on the Midle Temple side behind the seats, upon Monday, the 30th day of Aprill, {1635].
Hawkins Stephen, Sir knight, was buried in the round walke on the Midle Temple side behind the seats neare the piller, the 25th of May, [1655].
Langston William gentleman, of the Midle Temple, was buried in the round walke behind the seats neare the piller, June 18th [1655].
Syms Thomas gentleman, was buried in the round walke on the Midle Temple sid under the north window, June, 20, [1655].
Mayes Mary the daughter of William Mays, cheife porter, of the Inner Temple was buried in the belfrey near the font, the 11th day of August, 1655. Payed no fees, being an officers child.
Rochester Sicisla the wife of William Rochester, esquire, barrister of the Midle Temple, was buried in the midle isle neare the midle doore under the stone neare the seats, the 13th day of November, [1655].
Barnisiston Arthur esquire, and ancient barrister of the honourable societye of the Inner Temple, departed this life at his chamber in Hare court on Tuesday night being the 14th of November, 1655 and payed all dutyes to the officers of the Temple church and after was carryed hence to be buried in Essex.
Shuter John esquire, an ancient barrister of the honourable societie of the Inner Temple, was buried in the body of the church under the greate stone next the little seate by the crosse ile, upon Munday night being the one and twenteth of January, [1655--56].
Longmer Margret the wife of John Longmer, a lodger in Ram Alley, was buried in the Temple Churchyard, (neare the celler windows) on Sunday, the seaven and twenteth day of January, [1655-56].
Way John servant to the worshippfull Sir Peter Ball one of the masters of the bench of the honourable societie of the Midle Temple, was buried in the round walke on the northe side of Mark Blackmore's stone, the 27th day of February, [1655-56].
Henley Robert esquire, one of the masters of the bench of the honourable societie of the Midle Temple and allderman of the citty of London, was buried in the valt neare Judge Plowden's moniment, the nine and twenteth day of February, [1655-56].
Whitby Robert esquire, barrester of the honourable societie of the Inner Temple, was buried in the long walke, neare the piller over against Mr. Selden's monement, on Fryday the eightenth day of Aprill, [1656].
Owen Robert joyner, was buried in the Temple churchyard, May the eleventh, [1656].
Lisle Amphlia wife of the worshipful William Lisle, Esquire,barrister of the honourable societie of the Midle Temple, was buried in the round walke of the Temple church under the north window at the end of the iron grate or the monements of the Knight Tempelers, one Thursday being the fifenth day of May, [1656].
Aske* Richard one of the Judges of the upper bench and late one of the masters of the bench of the honourable societie of the Inner Temple, was buried in the Temple church above the stepps at the upper end neare the little dore, one Tuesday the twenty fourth of June being Midsumer day. [1656].
Henshaw John esquire, barrester of the honourable societie of the Midle Temple, was buried in the round walke at the end of the iron grate under the north window, the seaven and twenteth day of July, [1656].
Ward Rowley esquire, sergant at law, was brought from Sergants Inn in Chancery Lane and buried in the Temple church in the midle isle, neare the communion table on the Midle Temple side at the hether end of the bencher's seates, on Wednesday night, being the thirtenth of August, [1656].

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