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Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on and |
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![]() By Cara Links
Part Four Understanding Epitaphs Decoding old epitaphs can for the beginner be difficult when the stone has been written in Latin some phrases found on old stones A.D. -Anno Domini: -In the Year of Our Lord Ad mairoem Dei gloriam :- For the greater glory of God( the motto of the Society of Jesus) Adsum:- Here I am Aetatis suae;- Of his ( or her) age. On its own Aetis ;- 'Of the age' while aetatis suae means 'in the particular year of a person's life'. Many tombstones had such inscriptions as "DIED AETATIS SUAE 87', OR 'AS 87'. Sometimes the expression appeared as 'anno aetatis suae ( in the year of his or her age). Aeternum vale;- Farewell forever Amicus humani generis:- A Humanitarian a philanthropist. Beatae memoriae" Of blessed memory Consummatum est :- It is completed ( Christ's last words on the cross John 19:v30). Dei gratia:- By the grace of God. De mortuis nihil nisi bonum: Speak kindly of the dead. Deo favente:- With God's favour. Sometimes appears on gravestones as an alternative to Deo gratias ( Thanks to God) Deus misereatur:- May God have Mercy. Domino optimo maximo:- To the Lord God, supreme ruler of the world ( The motto of the Benedictine Order). Durante vita :-During life Errare Humanum est: To err is human. Et sequentes ( sequential):- And those that follow. Ex voto:- According to one's wishes Fama semper vivat:- May his ( or her) good name live forever. Fecit:- Made it Floruit:- ( often expressed as fl.)He or she flourished . This is sometimes placed on tombstones when the exact date of birth is not known. Hic Jacet:- Here lies Hoc loco :- In his place In memoriam :- In memory of In perpetuum: Forever. Sometimes in Pperpetuo. Natus est: Born Obiit:- He or she died Obiit sine prole:- he or she died without issue Requiescat in pace:- May he or she rest in peace. Sometimes as Requiescant in pace ( May they rest in peace) Respice finem:- Look before you leap. The full adage from which this is taken is Quidquid agas prudenter agas et respice finem ( Whatever you do, do with caution, and look to the end). Resurgam: I shall rise again. Sic transit Gloria mundi:- So passes away the glory of the world. A popular epitaph from De Imitaition Christi by Thomas A Kempis the German mystic. Siste viator:- Stop traveller Sit tibi terra levis: May the earth be light upon you. Terras es, terram ibis:- Dust thou art, to dust thou shalt return. Tempus figiy:- Time flies Vixit ---- annos :- He or she lived (a certain number of years ). Relationships although there are alternatives to express same relation these below were the most common on epitaphs Pater;- Father Mater-Mother Filius- Son Filia - Daughter Uxor- Wife Maritus-Husband Socer: father In law Socrus- mother in law Gener- son in law Nursus- Daughter in law Amita- Aunt Patrius-Uncle Consobrinus- Cousin ( male) Consobrina- Cousin ( female) Homo-Man Femina- Woman Infans- Child Puer- Boy Puella- Girl Avus- Grandfather Avia - Grandmother
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Breaking Genealogy NewsIf you have long been a fan of The Olive Tree Genealogy created by Lorine McGinnis Schulze, now you can make it official. Become a fan of the Olive Tree Genealogy. Join Olive Tree Genealogy on Facebook! Lorine has set up an interactive site where you can ask questions, join in discussions or start a topic of interest. Once you are at the Olive Tree Genealogy page on Facebook, click the "Become a Fan" link in the upper right-hand corner.Ancestors At Rest reminds you that when looking for death records for your family tree online to be careful when spelling interment. It's not intermet, internment, inturnment or internmet. Another common one is cemetery, not cemetary or cematary. |
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